Walk with God - Part 1

Scripture Reading - Genesis 5:24 KJV

And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

We (ihlcc) are watching the multitudes of people on the earth today and wondering just how many ”Walk with God?” Hustling and bustling concerning the affairs of this world is the norm for the day. However, we thought that right now (especially during this holiday season) that it would be a good thing to remind ourselves and all readers that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return. The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is eminent. Since we cannot control the return of Jesus let us focus on what we can control. For instance, we control our “Walk with God”. Yes we will repeat this very simple truth that we control our “walk with God” because the Lord is always ready to walk with us but we are not always ready, willing or available to “walk with God”. Let us look at each one individually by starting with ready. Being ready to “walk with God” requires some preparation because we cannot “walk with God” while watching our favorite football team on TV. Certainly you also cannot “walk with God” while you are spending quality time with your best friend or even a family member. If someone asks you to accompany them on a walk you know that walk (or walking in general) will take your time, your attention and your energy. When we (ihlcc) are referring to walking with God we are specifically speaking of one-on-one fellowship where God only is consuming your thoughts, attention and time. So don’t think that if you are walking with another group of people who are Christians you are walking with God individually. Secondly, many people are unwilling to walk with God because they are too selfish. We (ihlcc) have pointed many people to follow the path of daily spending quality time in the Holy Bible to demonstrate “walking with God” but many of those same people did not see the significance of such a commitment. Yes, all those who do spend daily time in God’s Word get more familiar with God’s Voice and His Presence so they are more likely (prone) to be in the know when handling the affairs of this life. However, on the contrary, those same people who thought it not that beneficial to spend daily time with God (In His Word and in His Presence) are typically those who need prayer afterwards because they are frustrated and fallen. Yes, the scripture states in Isaiah 1:19, “If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land”. Notice the scripture didn’t say all Christians (Saints, Believers, Children of God, Servants of God, etc….) shall eat the good of the land but rather the willing and obedient ones shall (not maybe, but shall) eat the good of the land. In other words the willing doer of God’s Will shall be blessed with the good of the land while the unwilling disobedient people are uncertain what their future holds while they eat of the land, not the good of the land. Believe us (ihlcc) there is a big difference, it is like eating a partial meal of rice instead of the three course steak dinner. You will never enjoy a good meal (the good of the land) unless a happy heart (the Joy of Jesus) serves it to you. Thirdly, those who are too busy to “walk with God” are too busy for their very own existence. We say this because if you don’t make any time available to worship, thank and praise the Holy One who created you, you are foolish at best and unthankful at worst. People make themselves available to all those people that are important to them. Yes, it is very easy to ignore a call from a stranger but in most cases they will pay close attention to a call from a loved one and Jesus should be one of our loved ones. Yes, even being at work requires a certain amount of availability because you cannot show up on your own schedule but rather the schedule of your employer because the employer’s requirements take precedence. Likewise, the precious housewife of a complete family does not run her schedule according to her own desires but rather she carefully customizes her plans around the needs of her husband and children. You can read in Proverb 31:27 & 28 paraphrased, “That the virtuous woman looks well to the schedule, personalities and mannerisms (ways) of her household, thus her children and husband appreciated her so much that they can’t help praising her for being so dependable and considerate. Yes, walking with God is a pleasure just as much as it is a pursuit. Our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ is our Pleasure, Passion, Purpose and Pursuit. We must being ready to “walk with God” early in our day. We must willing to “walk with God” because we know He is all wise and He specifically created us for fellowship with Himself. We must also make ourselves available to “walk with God” by selecting an appropriate time daily to fellowship in God’s Word and participate inside God’s Holy Presence (The Holy Spirit). So when we (ihlcc) are asking you to “walk with God” it is not just idle words but rather a plea to all mankind to enjoy the great covenant we have with God during this season (dispensation) of God’s Grace because the day will come that we will not be. Just as Enoch “walked with God” and was not our day will certainly come too that we will not be upon this earth. So with that in mind we must be ready, willing and available to “walk with God” to know our future because surely we desire for God to take us and not someone else. Amen!